
7 Year Anniversary: The Subspace Continuum: Part 3

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DandyAndy1989's avatar

Literature Text

Flying through the sky is Latios and me with the rest of the party having joined up

Me: Looks like the skies are clear. We're en route. Everything's a go.
(Suddenly, McGucket shows up as a vision of mine)
McGucket: Andrew! Thank goodness I found ya!
Me: McGucket? What are you doing here? And what up with the aura?
McGucket: What? I'm your moral guidance in this sort of quest ya got roped into.
Me: Right. Anyway, what's wrong?
DK: Who are you talking to?
McGucket: Some of your friends went bye bye. They just plum vanished out of the blue! I don't like the sound of that.
Me: I don't supposed you do. But who vanished?
McGucket: I don't really know. One of them was wearing some outfit with X's on it, one was short and scaly, and the other was a big honkin' bulky feller.
Me:, these are hints as to guess who they are?
McGucket: Pretty much.
Pearl: Is he feeling alright?
Me: Well, I gotta go. I'll see about finding them and get back to you on that.
Rod: Was that McGucket, Andrew?
Me: Yeah. Three of our friends have disappeared and we've got to find them.
Adam: What about our other friends.
Me: This is why I don't like to multitask.

(Meanwhile, in the dark world lair)

Mother Brain: How are they coming along?
Eggman: They are nearing completion. Soon, they will obey only us.
Mother Brain: Excellent. We just need to stall those others in the meantime.
??? #3: Perhaps, we could be of assistance on that? (reveals to be Ghirahim)
??? #4: Yes! We could use a little fun ourselves! (reveals to be Motley Bossblob)
??? #5: We'll be more than happy to fight. (reveals to be King K. Rool)
Mother Brain: Do not underestimate them, Ghirahim. You'll have to be focused in fighting them, K. Rool. And Motley, you must not fall too easily. Though they may be unable to stop us in their current state, if they get those crystals before we do, our operation will be a disaster.
Ghirahim: Yes, mistress. I do believe we must watch out for them dearly.
Motley Bossblob: Just leave everything to us.
(They head off)
Shake King: Those three...they're ready...
Eggman: Now then...let us teach them who their real enemy is...

Max, Ian, Jigglypuff, Luigi, Dedede, Ness

(Meanwhile, in some strange labyrinth of sorts)
Max: There's got to be someway out of here.
Jigglypuff: Jiggly!
Ian: We've been this way five times already!
Ness: Luigi! You're overreacting!
Luigi: I'M NOT OVERREACTING! (runs off screaming)
Dedede: There he goes again.
Max: Let's see...what do we know about this place?
(A pattern is shown on the nearby wall on different warp pipes)
Ness: Maybe this will help. We'll just follow this pattern and get out.
Dedede: A classic ruse.
Max: Smart thinking, Ness.
Luigi: So, we're going to live?
Ian: Yes, Luigi. We're going to leave.
(They follow the pattern and make it out)
Ness: You're overreacting again.
Dedede: This guy gets more cowardly everyday.
Jigglypuff: Puff.

Branden, Sergio, Rosalina, Palutena

In some kind of casino area

Branden: Wow. This place sure is bright and shiny.
Rosalina: It is a shame that Nintendo does not allow legalized gambling into its series.
Palutena: You said it. I would have a lot of fun with this.
Sergio: No time to gawk now. We gotta find out how we can get back to our friends and find out just what caused all that hullabaloo.
Branden: But we don't even know where we are aside from some kind of casino land.
Sergio: Well...I guess we could stop for a little fun.
(They stop to play some of the games there)
Palutena: You guess wanna hit the hot dog bar while we're there? They have some really tasty frankfurters there.
Sergio: I could go for a little lunch.
Rosalina: Bring back a chili dog to go in case we run into Sonic.
Palutena: Right.
(Just as they are ready to hit the slots, something metallic and liquid at the same time comes out of nowhere; it looks like a bubble)
Branden: What the heck is this?
Motley: I knew you would be here! (comes down out of the sky)
Rosalina: Motley Bossblob?
Motley: That's my name. Don't wear it out.
Sergio: Nobody says that anymore.
Motley: You can't get in the way of our operation! I'm gonna have to crush you like bugs! (forms into a giant clown made of the same compounds as the bubbles he made) Get ready for the greatest show on Earth!
Palutena: (comes back with hot dogs) They were out of chili dogs, so Sonic will just have to-SWEET MOTHER OF MYSTERY! WHAT'S THAT?!
Rosalina: Palutena! We could use some help here!
(Motley is stomping around trying to flatten the others as they run and get out of the way)
Motley: Oh, fudge muffins! I missed again!
Palutena: Shall we?
Rosalina: Let's.
Palutena & Rosalina: STAR LIGHT!
(They created a beam that blasts brightly with Star Bits surrounding it that hits Motley and knocks him out)
Motley: Ouch...this isn't the end...(flees)
Sergio: Now that was just about the coolest thing I've ever seen.
Branden: What's your secret?
Rosalina: We can't tell you that.
Palutena: Then it wouldn't be a secret.

Pit, Mabel, Emily, Yoshi, Ludwig

(On Planet Wisp)

Mabel: Yah! Hi ho, Yoshi!
Yoshi: This is really starting to soar on my sides.
Pit: Well, not everyone's gonna wanna walk around, old buddy.
Emily: How did we even get here anyway? That blast was so powerful.
Ludwig: You got me. I just wonder how we're gonna get back to Earth. This place is really starting to look way too peaceful for me.
Ludwig: Who said that?
(A cube falls on Ludwig)
Pit: I think Sonic told me about those things.
Yoshi: They're called Wisps.
Mabel: Wimps?
Yoshi: No, Wisps! With an "S"!
Mabel: Well, I think I'll go around and call them Rainbow Doodads! Because they're so colorful and take different shapes.
(A Cyan Laser blasts above them)
Yoshi: Wow! That could've been grim if it hit.
Emily: You don't have to tell me twice.
Emily: That doesn't sound pleasant.
(A Bomb Wisp comes rolling by and explodes, sending them flying to the other side of the planet)
Mabel: What is their deal? Why they ackin' so craycray?
Yoshi: Maybe they think we're invaders.
Emily: If only there was a way to communicate with them.
(Enter Yacker)
Yacker: (alien babble)
Pit: What? What'd you say? Quit speaking gibberish!
Ludwig: And stop with all that blasting and charging at us! We're not here to hurt you! I would be if my papa allowed it. But he didn't.
Mabel: Hold on. Hold on. I got this. I speak alien. (starts speaking in the same stuff as Yacker)
(They chat and Mabel explains everything here)
Pit: Well? What'd he say?
Mabel: His name is Yacker, and he thought that we were trying to invade their home in some kind of world conquest. But I told him that some big blast thingy just sent us all here at a great radius. He apologizes and says he and his fellow Wisps will help us.
Emily: That's sweet of him.
(Wiz pops out of her pocket)
Emily: It's okay, Wiz. These aliens are very friendly toward us. They're gonna help us out.
Yoshi: So, can you show us how to get back to Earth?
Yacker: (whistles)
(A Crimson Eagle takes them all off the planet and back to Earth)
Mabel: Earth, here we come!

Darren, Link, Simon, Vanellope, Gloria

(Meanwhile, in Gravity Falls)

Darren: Okay, that was a bit of a doozy.
Gloria: head is still spinning from that blast.
Vanellope: Thankfully, we're just fine here.
Link: Something about this town looks very strange to me.
Simon: I don't know if I should feel comfortable or look a bit terrified.
Gloria: Isn't that the shack the Pines family lives in?
Darren: Then we know we're in Gravity Falls.
Link: But how are we supposed to get back?
Simon: We'll have to think hard on this.
(They enter the town, nobody aware of what happened at Smash Fest)
Simon: Doesn't look like the news about Smash Fest got her yet.
Vanellope: Best we keep it a secret until they see it for themselves.
Gloria: Si. Wouldn't want them to freak out.
Darren: I'm surprised McGucket's not around acting crazy.
Vanellope: Yeah. That's a first.
(They arrive at the lake where fishing season took place)
Link: It doesn't look like there's any supernatural activity happening today. Maybe the town is having a quite day for once.
(Something bubbles out of the lake with big croc eyes)
Vanellope: Is that a crocodile?
Simon: Wait. Aren't crocodiles closer to humid areas? Wouldn't that be an alligator?
(out of the water comes K. Rool)
K. Rool: So, some of you have survived as well. Looks like I was right to come to this town.
Gloria: King K. Rool! Mortal enemy of Donkey Kong!
K. Rool: The one and only.
Vanellope: What do you want?
K. Rool: I just thought I'd stop by and keep you from getting in our way. And I'll start right now! (tosses crown at them like a boomerang)
Simon: Duck!
Vanellope: More like alligator.
K. Rool: The Kremling name shall be reborn!
Gloria: That's what you think! (transforms into a Komodo Dragon)
K. Rool: A reptilian rumble, is it? Just the way I like it.
(The two scaled soldiers start to brawl)
Simon: Get him, Gloria! You can do it!
Gloria: (spits saliva into K. Rool's eyes)
K. Rool: Blast! I can't see a thing!
Gloria: (smacks him with her tail) Take that!
K. Rool: (wipes saliva from eyes) Now you've gone and asked for it! (stomps grounds causing some cannonballs to come out of the sky out of nowhere)
Vanellope: Hey! What are you trying to do? Crack our skulls in?
Simon: That could have easily done something like that!
K. Rool: That might have been the point. (tosses crown again)
Link: (smacks crown away with Master Sword)
Gloria: (pounds his head in with her tail)
K. Rool: That tears it! You win for now, but next time, I will be victorious! Mother Brain will succeed! You shall see! (swims off)
Darren: He's not giving up.
Link: Mother Brain...this can only lead to trouble.
Vanellope: Well, don't just stand around and melt like a hot fudge sundae in the sun! We've got some pain to give to a brain!
(They drive off in Vanellope's cart)

Larry, Morton, Soos, Quote, Chloe

(Meanwhile, in the Mushroom Kingdom)

Larry: At least we landed close to home.
Soos: If it hadn't been for Chloe, we would have been pancakes. And not the kind you have for breakfast.
Chloe: It was nothing.
Morton: Where'd the others go?
Quote: (shrugs)
Larry: You don't talk much, do you?
Quote: (shakes head)
Soos: He's probably just shy.
Chloe: Well, one thing's for sure, we have to get back to the others.
Soos: It's go time!
(And so, they all start playing through what looks like a traditional platforming level of Super Mario Bros)
Soos: You can't beat the classics.
Larry: You got that right.
(Chloe hits a block and finds a Super Bell in it and turns into Cat Chloe)
Chloe: Don't I look Meow-velous?
Quote: (facepalms)
Soos: I don't get it.
Chloe: This is why puns are dead.
(Quote fires away some Koopa Troopas with his gun and knocks them to the side, causing some Goombas to get bowled over)
Larry: Aw! 7 10 split! Sorry, Quote, ol' buddy.
Soos: (gets a Super Leaf and has a raccoon tail and ears) Look at me! I'm a raccoon! But I don't really look like one. (takes a running start and flies off)
Larry: I didn't know a fatso like him could fly.
Morton: If he can do it, I bet Wario would be a shoe-in for it.
Chloe: There's the flagpole just up ahead! (runs atop it and reaches the very top, making the flag golden and having her JUMP suit's symbol on it) Meow!
Larry: Aw! I wanted to do that.
Soos: This is so cool! Check me out, dudes! Ha ha! I'm having the time of my-(flies right into little fort with Star Flag on it; loses powers)
Chloe: You okay?
Soos: Just dandy, dudes. (peels off and hits the ground) You can get me to a healing spot now.

Curly, Wendy, Roy, Kirby, Felix

Meanwhile, in a forest

Curly: It feels like we've been walking around here for hours.
Wendy: Hey! I'm not the one who thought walking through all these trees was a good shortcut!
Felix: (tries using his hammer to tear the trees down only to make them grow more) WHY DO I FIX EVERYTHING I TOUCH?!
Roy: You are the worst hero ever.
Felix: Hey! I try!
Roy: Just not hard enough.
(Ghirahim suddenly rushes through the forest and chops down some of the trees to block their path)
Kirby: Oh?
Felix: Who did that?
Ghirahim: I suppose we haven't been properly introduced.
Wendy: I doubt it.
Ghirahim: It is I, Demon Lord Ghirahim, and I have come to stop the friends of the destined one chosen by the old fool. You will be the first to go. (draws blade)
Curly: He means business. (loads Machine Gun) Bring it!
Ghirahim: (summons little projectiles and fires them at the team)
Roy: That all you got?
Curly: Wait! I know what to do! (pulls out King's Blade) I got this!
Felix: Be careful, Curly.
Ghirahim: (forms more projectiles and tosses them) Die!
Curly: No way! (reflects them with her blade back at him)
Ghirahim: Gah!
Wendy and Roy: Our turn! (blast him with a double magic blast)
Ghirahim: Ow! Damn you...(draws blade) You will not leave alive...(charges at Curly and slashes her in half)
Felix: Curly!
Kirby: (inhales Ghirahim and copy his powers) Gah!
Ghirahim: You little copycat! Prepare to be next! (charges at Kirby)
Kirby: (charges at Ghirahim)
(They duel blades and Kirby ultimately slashes at Ghirahim, knocking him down)
Ghirahim: Perhaps now is not the time to kill you. I best retreat until the time is right. (retreats)
Wendy: Good riddance.
Roy: Now, how about that galvanized gal there?
Felix: I can take care of that. (fixes Curly with his hammer) You okay?
Curly: I am now. But that really took a lot out of me. I'll have to be more careful next time.
Kirby: Pu-yo...
Felix: Let's keep going.
Curly: Right. Our friends must be around here somewhere.
(They keep marching)

Mother Brain's Castle

Mother Brain: So...they have all fallen.
??? #6: Perhaps I should take care of this.
Mother Brain: You would not be able to fail like all the others. Go and straighten them out.
??? #6: Oh, don't worry. (reveals to be Hades) I will have my day. (takes off)

Iggy, Lemmy, Stan, Wario, Zero Suit Samus, Sarah, Tiffany, Mr. Game & Watch

Somewhere in a canyon of sorts

Stan: Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, a giant laser cannon comes out of the sky and almost does us in.
Sarah: Whoever did that really burns me up! No pun intended.
Iggy: We're just lucky to be alright.
Lemmy: I thought it was game over for sure.
Mr. Game & Watch: (takes a breather and sits down)
Wario: Are we even getting anywhere?
Zero Suit Samus: The sooner we get back, the sooner I get away from a jerk like you.
(They arrive at some pinpoint that looks like a cliff)
Tiffany: This must be a dead end.
???: I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Samus: Who goes there?
(Enter Hades)
Hades: You are all just such wonderful guests on our show tonight. Welcome to "Afterlife with Hades". Your role is the bunch of people who fall at my hand for getting in our way. (comes at them with his hand)
Sarah: Don't even think about it! (throws fireballs at his hand)
Hades: Ow! That burns!
Wario: (bites hand)
Hades: Ow! Hey hey hey! Knock that off! (throws multiple fists from out of nowhere at the team)
Iggy: Okay, didn't see that coming.
Hades: (shoots lasers out of his fingertips) Who needs a manicure when you've got this?
Stan: Whoa! Hey! Cut it out you drama king!
Hades: I prefer the term "Actively Enthusiastic Thespian".
Stan: Whatever! From your own heart, I stab at thee! (runs up Hades' arm and stabs him right in the heart)
Samus: I don't care what Pit told us. That heart was hideous.
Wario: And frustrating.
Hades: Enough of this! (fires projectiles from mouth)
Mr. Game & Watch: (brings out Oil Panic bucket and scoops them up three times; dunks oil all over Hades)
Hades: Gah! Okay, the show's over. I'm going to back away now. You have won this round, but you'll fall in the Finals. Tootle-oo! (retreats)
Stan: He's more bark than bite, if you ask me.
Iggy: But what are we gonna do about our friends?

(Mother Brain's Castle)

Mother Brain: You three...go to the chosen one and warn him right now.
???: Yes, mistress...(take off)

Back with me

Me: Come on, Latios! We got some friends to find!
(As we fly for our friends, the three new recruits in Mother Brain's army appear as we land)
Me: Alexis! Bowser Jr.! Ralph! Where have you three been?
Alexis: Silence, you infidel.
Me: Alexis, I know I made you evil in the series, but is that anyway to talk to your creator?
Alexis: Mother Brain is my creator.
Me: What?!
Ralph: She had created all of us, and we are here to tell you, chosen one, that you must stay away from the crystals. Or we will be forced to resort to dire consequences.
Bowser Jr.: It's your choice. We will await it soon.
Me: Why are you doing this?
Alexis: You need not know that.
Ralph: Goodbye, destined warrior!
Bowser Jr.: May we meet again and settle this!
(The three take off)
Rod: What the hell has gotten into them?
Me: I have no idea...but Mother Brain is to blame, somehow.
(Enter some of the other characters, such as Jolie/Malabi and her team on their card, Mabel and her team on the Crimson Eagle, and all others)
Mario: We made it!
Lapis: It's good to be back together.
Me: Wow! You all found your way back!
Pacifica: And it wasn't easy.
Ruben: We even managed to call in some new friends.
(Enter Greg, the PAW Patrol, the Thomsons, Kendall Perkins and Julie Trenton, and more)
Me: Wow! This quest is gonna be a lot more simple with strength in numbers!

(Meanwhile, the four crystals of the elements suddenly awaken in areas that fit well into their theme; splitscreen of McGucket and Mother Brain)

McGucket & Mother Brain: The crystals have awoken...the time draws near...

End of Part 3
Part 3 begins with the search continuing and more friends trying to find their way about. However, more enemies are on the attack, and now Alexis, Bowser Jr., and Ralph are going to try to stop us from completing our mission. The crystals soon activate and reveal where they are located, forcing us to split into different groups in order to find them. It's now a race against time to stop the revival of Tabuu.
© 2015 - 2024 DandyAndy1989
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Tete-DePunk's avatar
Incredible! This is riveting! So now each group is facing down foes intent to cut them down right in their path! :wow:

Link and Vanellope in Gravity Falls? Surprisingly, given where both live, these two should be bale to navigate a forest quite easily.

Ghirahim, regardless of place or situation, will still remain his vanity intact. Since he retreated, will he reprise another attack?
If they created a Wreck-It-Ralph game, they should position Felix with a healing factor for the other players.

Stan against Hades? Only Stan could take down a big bad like Hades! :w00t:

From what little I've seen in Final Fantasy installments, when crystal activate, the action blasts like a hydraulic canon! :wow: