
Koopalings and Deadly Six Go To War

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As you may all be aware, Mario and Sonic have been world renowned heroes, always fighting off the forces of evil and doing the right thing when they feel it is right. Of course, they always had someone out there to destroy them.
"Looks like another day of action and adventure!" Mario thought.
"Oh yeah! This is gonna be sweet!" Sonic believed.
They were both off to do what they do best and protect their lands from all sorts of dangers. But what they didn't know is that some of their greatest enemies were awaiting them.

Way ahead of them, the Koopalings were setting a bit of a trap for Mario. They had a rope and a bunch of Chain Chomps ready to give him a serious mauling.
"You see him up ahead?" Ludwig asked.
"I don't know! He's still a little while away!" Iggy responded.
"Oh, when is he getting here? I've been waiting all day!" Wendy complained.
But they weren't the only ones who were setting up a little trap for their old enemy. The most horrific beasts of all, the Deadly Six, six horrendous creatures known as Zeti, were also preparing a little something for Sonic.
"Yes. The time has come to seek vengeance on that young energetic hedgehog for what he had done to us in the past," said Master Zik.
"If he'd get here by now," Zor sulked.
"You know, for the fastest thing alive, he sure does like to take his sweet time," Zazz thought.
"He just has to admire the scenic route, doesn't he?" Zeena sighed.
"Well, no matter. He won't be able to get past our newest trap," said Zavok.
There was lots of dynamite ready for Sonic. Neither side knew about the other nor took time to think of what was going on around them. Just then, Larry remembered something.
"Oh, shoot! I forgot to get the meat for the trap to ensnare Mario with," said Larry. He ran off to go get some meat, but then, one of the bombs from the other' trap came down and blew up, blowing Larry away, dropping some of the meat on Zazz. Larry landed right on top of the Chain Chomp cage and let the Chain Chomps free, who then rushed over to Zazz.
"WAAAAH! SOMEBODY CALL OFF THE DOGS!" he shouted with the meat still on his head.
"Hey! What's going on here?" Bowser Jr. wondered.

The Deadly Six and the Koopalings saw that this was an unexpected turn of events from what had just happened.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in our territory?" Bowser Jr. questioned.
"Your territory? I think you have this confused for ours," said Zavok.
"What are you going on about now?" Roy wondered.
"Do you even know who we are?!" both sides shouted.
"We are the Koopalings, the very bane of the Mushroom Kingdom who serve under Bowser the Koopa King!" Bowser Jr. introduced.
"Well, we are the Deadly Six who swear allegiance to no one and punish those who intervene," said Zavok.
"We're your worst nightmares!" Zazz shouted.
"How about a breath mint?" Larry asked offering Zazz one.
"Oh, please. Look at this girl. Bows? I hate to tell you, sweetie, but the 80's are over. You'll never get anywhere unless you're posing for a lineup of dolls," Zeena ridiculed Wendy.
Wendy was steamed at that.
"Ooh! Why don't you come over here and say that in front of my face?!" Wendy snarled.
"It appears as though our little trap on our foe will have to wait," said Zik.
"Yeah, I don't think we're gonna be worrying about them anytime soon," Roy agreed.
"Then it's settled! Koopalings, to war!" Bowser Jr. announced.
"Come, brothers and Zeena! We must make plans for this!" said Zavok.

And so, the Deadly Six and the Koopalings put their original plans to trap their greatest enemies aside and went to war against the other side.
"Look at them. Only six. We've got the numbers in our favor and there are a lot more weapons on our side," said Bowser Jr.
"Just what could they be up to, though?" Lemmy wondered.
"That we gotta find out," said Wendy.
The Deadly Six seemed confident in their endeavor.
"Is everything ready?" Zavok asked.
"Yep!" Zomom answered.
"Then let us begin!" Zavok declared.
The two opposing sides then went out and did battle in the fight of their lives!

On a nice grassy plain, Larry and Zazz were running around to no end.
"Ha ha! You can't possibly beat me with that big ball thing of yours! Lemmy's ball would crush yours in an instant!" Larry laughed.
"Oh, you don't even know what my moon mech is capable of, you basic buffoon!" Zazz told him.
The Moon Mech was firing off shooting stars from its mouth, descending right at Larry. Larry cast his magic wand and countered the stars away.
"You think a little hocus pocus is gonna be enough to stop me?!" Zazz shouted.
"It just might," Larry figured.
Zazz then got off his Moon Mech and started bouncing it at Larry. As soon as Larry leaped over it, Zazz charged into the little Koopaling. This made Larry spin around and knock Zazz aside.
"Oh, you're good," said Zazz.
"You ain't seen nothing yet!" Larry assured his rival.
"Well, I'm still gonna beat you like a drum!"
"Bring it!"

Zomom and Morton were now in a desert, getting over quicksand and climbing up pyramids together.
"Boy, you really know how to make a guy work for his meals," Zomom thought.
"Is that all you ever think about? Food?" Morton asked.
Zomom thought about it for a second.
"Don't answer that," Morton responded.
He then busted out a mallet and got a ball cactus to sprout up. He then whacked the thorny balls off one by one at Zomom, who leaped up into the air, avoiding them all and nearly crushing Morton.
"That was a neat trick you did! But can you stop this?" Zomom asked as he started to spin around with his fists swinging like a tornado.
"Hey! That's Boom Boom's technique!" Morton thought.
"Who's Boom Boom?" Zomom wondered.
He then dug right into the ground avoiding Morton and coming up from the service.
"Ouch!" Morton shouted as he took the hit. He spun around a bit and leaped into the air himself, making a big stomp on the ground.
"You and I are a lot alike, you notice that?" Zomom pointed out.
"At least I'm not a glutton!" Morton stated.

In the nice oceanic tropics, Lemmy was riding his own ball right across the water and Zik was riding on top of a giant apple.
"You will never defeat me if you do not properly move at the right pacing, young Koopa," said Zik.
"Where do you get off telling me how to do this? I've been doing this for years, and surprising haven't really aged much!" Lemmy ranted.
Zik knew he was not going to get close to his enemy there.
"Don't say I didn't warn you," Zik insisted.
The old man and the young turtle-like boy were doing their best. Lemmy couldn't seem to stop that apple, but he could at least find another way to stop him. So, he made some balls with his magic wand and threw them at Zik.
"This is not Dodgeball! Yet, I must play it in order to survive!" said Zik.
He got off of his apple and kicked Lemmy's ball to the other side. Lemmy got knocked off and came spinning at the old Zeti who then put up a ring of berries to protect him. Lemmy just couldn't barge through.
"Now that's what I call a Berry-er!" Lemmy punned.
Zik groaned at the poor quality.
"I am going to pretend you did not say that," said Zik..

Zeena and Wendy were ice skating on a nice icy snowy tundra. Even though Wendy was a reptile, she didn't seem to mind the cold.
"Oh, the snow is good for your skin and it feels so nice, much better than sweating in all that hot sun and making your makeup run," Zeena commented on the arctic climate.
"I wouldn't know since I've never taken charge of a desert before. But I can agree about the snow part," Wendy figured.
"Now, which one of us is the prettier one? Of course it's me," Zeena figured. "Ready to get this battle underway?"
"Age before beauty. And I think we know who falls under the age part!" Wendy burned.
"Ah! You're gonna pay for that!" Zeena snarled.
The two started skating around toward each other. Wendy fired some of her famous magic rings and Zeena got caught up in them. Of course, she managed to break free out of them.
"Good thing I went on that diet. I'm too fit to be squeezed tight," she claimed. She then summoned a ton of snowmen who then blew a huge blizzard right at Wendy, sending her back a bit.
"Oh, so that's how you want to play, huh? Then why don't you try this on for size?" Wendy decided.
She snuck around in the snow and put out dummies of herself, even though they didn't look like her.
"Hey! Where'd she-" Zeena asked.
Wendy then came up and kicked her off her lead snowman. This made Zeena made as she took one of their heads and started to spin around with it like it was a weapon.
"That's the best you can do?" Wendy asked.
She spun around in her shell and came at Zeena.
"Oh, that's it! You messed up my lipstick! This is where I get furious!" Zeena growled.

Meanwhile, in a vast jungle, Iggy and Zor were having a bit of a run through the wilderness. Iggy had a Chain Chomp to guide him while Zor was guided by a big owl machine.
"Where did you even get that thing?" Iggy wondered.
"Sorry. Can't tell you about that. And just so you know, this is just gonna end badly for both of us," Zor sulked.
"Both of us as in you and your owl, or as in you and me?" Iggy wondered.
"The second one," Zor answered.
"I can't agree with you on that, I'm afraid," said Iggy.
Zor fired off his projectiles right at Iggy, but the Chain Chomp headbutted them back and charged at Zor who took serious damage from that.
"You don't stand a chance against me!" said Iggy.
"You wanna bet?" Zor asked.
Then it got so dark and there were three Zor shadows flying around. Iggy couldn't tell which one of them was the real one.
"Which one's the real one? I gotta light this place up!" he figured.
He found a light and saw the real Zor flying toward him and zapped him with his wand. This sent Zor tumbling around in the air and right into Iggy who started spinning in his shell through different holes that connected to other areas around.
"Okay, that doesn't even make any sense. How are they connecting to the other side?" Zor questioned.
"Never question my battle tactics or underestimate them!" Iggy warned his emo enemy.

And as for Zavok, he was taking care of both Roy and Ludwig in the sky.
"So, you don't have any indication as to when to surrender, do you?" Zavok asked.
"You shouldn't have challenge us from the get-go," said Roy.
"Yeah. We have you outnumbered," Ludwig pointed out.
"We may be outnumbered, but you are outmatched," said Zavok. He twirled his arms a bit and then cracked his knuckles, ready to pulverize his opponents.
"He means business. I like that," said Ludwig.
Zavok punched right at them, but Ludwig leaped into the air and made some clones of himself.
"What? How do you possess skills similar to Zor?" Zavok questioned.
"Try to find the real one!" Ludwig shouted.
The fireballs he and his cloned fired homed in on Zavok. He couldn't find an easy way to avoid them. He took the hit and suffered a bit.
"Time to bust out the heavy artillery!" Roy claimed. He pulled out a Bullet Bill cannon and started firing Bullet Bills right at Zavok. Zavok took a few hits and punched a few up into the sky.
"Let's put an end to this!" said Zavok.
He started charging at the Koopaling duo that had him outnumbered, but proved that he was the superior fighter to them. They spun around in their shells for protection.
"You do not know when to cease, do you? DEADLY SIX! SHOW NO MERCY TO THESE FOOLS!" Zavok shouted.
The Deadly Six suddenly got serious with the Koopalings now.

Zazz fired a flurry of stars right at Larry who was still spinning in his shell for protection. But that was just a diversion as Zazz then tossed the Moon Mech at Larry again. The mech knocked Larry's wand out of his hand and Zazz charged into Larry for the finishing blow.
"FINISHING BLOW!" Zazz shouted.
Zazz took Larry down.

Zomom bounced around the desert and came lunging right at Morton with a body slam!
"Hey! What are you doing now?" Morton asked.
"I'm gonna make you as flat as a pancake! With lots of maple syrup! Preferably from Canada," Zomom announced.
He was launching himself against the stone walls and Morton tried hitting Zomom with his mallet. However, that proved to be fatal as Zomom came right on top of Morton and finished him off.
"Oh boy! Pancake time!" Zomom screamed.
"Breakfast is the most lethal meal of the day," said Morton.

Zik was firing energy beams right at Zik.
"I'll hold nothing back," he warned his opponent.
"Whoa! It's getting a little too hectic here!" Lemmy panicked. He started throwing some of his ball bombs right at Zik who was countering them with his staff and sending them back at Lemmy.
"Your mere circus act is no match for my years of elderly wisdom," said Zik.
"Maybe a career in the circus wouldn't have been so bad with my balancing skills," Lemmy figured.
Of course, it was a little too late to consider the idea. Zik delivered the final blow to Lemmy and knocked him off his ball.
"Those who are not well trained must be punished like so," said Zik.

Zeena was hiding inside one of her snowmen and Wendy was breaking them all down. However, she didn't seem to be in any of them.
"Hey! I don't see that leprechaun colored vanity queen anywhere!" Wendy pondered.
Of course, that wasn't going to end well for her. Zeena stomped the ground and dropped some icicles right at Wendy. Wendy hid in her shell to avoid some serious injuries, but Zeena then kicked the shell and smacked Wendy with her snowman head weapon.
"It may be a pretty easy fight for Sonic, but for Wendy, this was just too much," said Zeena.
Wendy tumbled over and dropped her bow.
"My bow! That was my favorite bow!" she screamed.
"I told you I was the prettiest one around. Looks can be deceiving, can't they?" Zeena boasted.

Iggy seemed to be doing pretty good. It didn't appear as though he'd be going down soon. He kept spinning through different holes and popping up, surprising Zor.
"Oh great. If I lose this, I'm gonna get a serious earful of discipline. Just like always," Zor sighed.
"Oh yeah! I got this!" Iggy cheered.
One of Zor's shadows then blew out the lights and made it impossible for Iggy to see anymore.
"Wait! I need that to see!" said Iggy.
"That's right. You do. But you don't have it anymore," said Zor. He fired a shadowy ball right at Iggy and knocked him into the pit below.
"GRRRRRAAAHHH!!!" Iggy shouted.
"Grah? That's a weird cry of agony. But I'll take what I can get," Zor figured.

Ludwig clones were firing all they had at Zavok, but he was starting to evade all that was tossed his way and recognized the pattern.
"Ah, yes. The real one fires the most projectiles. It is a very simple pattern to follow," he detected.
"He's onto us, guys!" Ludwig panicked.
Zavok pushed through all of the clones and got right to Ludwig, who leaped into the air and fired some fireballs of his own that he learned from Bowser himself.
"Target locked on for maximum fire!" said Roy.
He was ready to fire a Banzai Bill right at Zavok. Zavok punched it right into the sky and countered the fire.
"Well, this won't end well," said Roy.
Zavok punched both Ludwig and Roy and knocked them out of the sky.
"This fight was a waste of time," Zavok claimed.

It appeared that the Deadly Six had won the battle. But Bowser Jr. wasn't giving up yet.
"Despite our number advantage, you still got beaten badly! Well, I still got one last trick up my shell!" said Jr.
He pulled out a remote and called forth his Clown Car. This caused it to turn into a giant fighting machine with spiked boxing gloves.
"Oh yeah! Now we're talking!" said Jr.
He got into the cockpit and was ready to fight them all off.
"You Deadly Six are about to be the Deadly Six Feet Under!" Bowser Jr. shouted.
The Zeti looked on at that mech.
"What did he mean by that?" Zomom asked not getting that one-liner.
"Never mind. Attack now!" Zavok shouted.
The Deadly Six did battle with Bowser Jr.'s mech, but it proved to be quite a powerful machine. Zazz was striking the cockpit, but Bowser Jr. spun the machine around and got Zazz dizzy.
"That kid ain't playing around anymore!" Zazz thought.
Zomom was digging right underground and planning to attack from the underside. But Bowser Jr. stomped the mech and flattened Zomom.
"I still can't please mom!" Zomom complained.
Zik was surfing on his cane, hoping to get an aerial attack in. He fired his energy blasts right at Jr's cockpit for a little damage, but it still wasn't enough. Jr. grabbed the cane and made Zik plummet to the ground. Zavok caught him.
"I got you, master," Zavok told his master.
"Thank you, Zavok. I wouldn't have wanted to break my back or my hip in this age," said Zik.
Zeena had her snowmen breathe cold air to blow Jr. back, but Jr. was anchored well to the ground.
"No hats to bring you to life, huh? Well, I'm taking your lives away one way or another!" said Jr. He punched the snowmen and Zeena was blown back.
"Oh, look what he did! He ruined my mascara!" Zeena complained. Zor was flying with his shadow clones and his owl mech firing with all they had at Jr. But Jr. just punched Zor without much trouble.
"At least this pain feels good on me..." Zor thought.

The five before Zavok were all beaten.
"You have brought great displeasure to us, you young reptilian nuisance. But now...THIS IS MY FULL STRENGTH!" Zavok shouted.
He grew to gargantuan size and came right at Jr. while breathing fire under a lava pit.
"Hey! Wait a minute! This guy's doing what papa does! You're ripping him off!" Jr. accused.
"What?" Zavok questioned.
"Yeah! I see the resemblance!" said Morton.
"Dude, that is just sad. Having to copy someone more famous..." Ludwig sighed.
He breathed fire while Jr. activated a flamethrower in the mouth of the mech. Zavok didn't feel much pain from it.
"Spending a lot of time in Lava Mountain has been pretty good for me," he thought.
"Then how about a little iron to go with that? Iron fist that is!" Jr. shouted. He went for a punch, but Zavok stopped it and smashed the fists apart.
The rest of the Deadly Six struck with their best moves and smashed Jr.'s mech right into a million pieces.
"NOOOOOOOO!!!" Jr. shouted.

In the end, the Deadly Six had won the war.
"That is it...this day belongs to the Deadly Six of the Lost Hex," said Zavok.
"You did put up a good fight, but it was simply not good enough," Zor sighed.
"Better luck next time. If there IS a next time!" Zazz taunted.
The Koopalings were bruised badly from their fight.
"You really showed us out there...but we'll be back for a rematch..." said Bowser Jr.
"And we'll have bigger and better strategies to win!" said Larry.
"And I'll be the prettiest one that comes out on top!" Wendy swore.
"Yeah, right," Zeena scoffed.
"I'm hungry. Can we get some victory lunch?" Zomom asked.
"That sounds good to me," said Zik.
The Deadly Six were off.
"Till next time, you eight had better prepare yourselves..." Zavok told them.
"Wow. They really beat us bad. Worse than Mario could," said Lemmy.
"I wouldn't wanna face them again in a long time!" Iggy thought.
"Ah, they were just lucky," Roy thought.
"I don't know, man. They were pretty tough out there," said Ludwig.
"Well, next time, we'll have the last laugh for sure," said Bowser Jr.
Just then, something came falling out of the sky.
"You guys hear something?" Zor wondered.
"Whatever it is, it doesn't sound pretty," said Zazz.
Just then, the Banzai Bill that Zavok knocked into the sky came tumbling down right on top of the Deadly Six and blew up right in their vicinity, making for a big boom. So, in the end, neither side properly won.

The Deadly Six was greatly battered and bruised and covered in ashes from that great blast.
"I changed my mind! We could have the last laugh now!" Bowser Jr. thought. He laughed at their misfortune.
"Ugh! All these ashes ruined my naturally good looks!" Zeena screamed.
"Your projectile from before did this..." Zavok snarled.
"Ah, better late than never, I guess," said Roy.
"So, should we call it a tie?" Larry guessed.
"No way! We beat you fair and square!" Zazz decided.
"That is true," Zik agreed.
The Deadly Six and the Koopalings all started to bicker when Mario and Sonic showed up.
"Whoa! What happened here? Some sort of party?" Sonic wondered.
"We thought you were supposed to destroy us, not each other," Mario figured.
"But-but-but-but-but-but-but..." both sides started to stammer.
"Maybe this isn't a good time," said Mario.
"Wanna settle it next week?" Sonic asked.
The villains were just stunned with their enemies seeing them in this condition.
"Okay, next week it is," said Sonic.
"See you then!" said Mario.
The heroes took off leaving the villains dumbfounded.
"I can't believe it! They showed up at this very moment!" Ludwig complained.
"The irony is just sickening!" Zazz thought.
They continued bickering about whose fault it was that they got like this. Bowser Jr. and Zavok just looked on at it.
"You ever have one of those days?" Bowser Jr. asked.
"Every once in a while. And this is one of those days indeed," Zavok sighed.
It went on like this for a while. The Deadly Six were sure to think of something to do until their next encounter. As for the Koopalings, Bowser Jr. was able to get them started with the debut of their racing career. But that is another story and another game.

The final commission is for :iconlightningrod728:. And he wanted a story of Super Mario's Koopalings and Sonic's Deadly Six going at it against each other in the ultimate war battle of them all! Which side will triumph and which will fall? That's for you to see!

Super Mario (c) Nintendo
Sonic (c) SEGA and Sonic Team
© 2014 - 2024 DandyAndy1989
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Karimk1's avatar
i thought this was gonna end with a lawsuit