
Of Course You Know, This Means Flame War! Finale

Deviation Actions

DandyAndy1989's avatar

Literature Text

This was it. The moment of truth had finally arrived. The battle on board the levitating island in the middle of the sky with the Tower of Hate looming over the land was finally at its peak. My friends and their troops were going all out to make sure that none of them would make it down to our surface world.
"Come on! Is this the best that you got?" Alexis asked.
"We shall take to the grounds and take over this accursed site!" said an Armank.
"Not if we can help it!" said Sergio.
His Hop Skip JUMP team came in with their Tetherball attack and knocked it to the side. Just then, some Clubberskulls were coming their way and Galleom ran right over them thanks to his upgrades. The Inklings were doing battle with some Wizzerds of different varieties and the others were doing what they could to keep the creatures on the island.
"Get back, you fiends! You will not be getting down to our land!" said Dyusha.
"We have come this far, and we are not about to fall today!" said Garnet.
She punched a bunch of the Liquid Samurais that were the head honchos of this alignment and knocked them down into puddles.
"They just won't stop!" said Peridot fighting in her Peribot.
"Keep fighting! This battle's not over yet!" said Connor.

Sonic and Mega Man did a little team up together. Mega Man fired Sonic in his Homing Attack to pierce through some of the Armanks on the enemy line.
"Those guys are mega busted," Sonic punned.
"Writing that one down already," said Mega Man.
The Mario Bros took on a bunch of Octarians and demons from Sara's story. They were not holding anything back.
"These demons made us look like a laughing stock in that story!" said Mario.
"Not gonna have anymore of that!" said Luigi.
They turned into their ice forms and tossed snowballs at them, putting them on ice.
"We've almost got 'em!" said Marcus as he opened a portal with his amulet that sealed a way a large array of enemies.
"This war is ours!" said Myles.

Back at the top of the tower, Rod, my friends, and I were all standing right in front of Val-lition.
"Why...why would you do this to me?" she asked.
"What? Why would we-you're the one who did that to us!" I told her.
"But don't you remember all the good times we had together? Both of you...with me?" she asked.
Rod and I tried to recall such moments, but we had nothing to remember that we enjoyed from that past.
"No. You only wanted to talk to us because you were crazy for us," said Rod.
"Yeah. We couldn't have a moment's peace or attend to emergencies or family togetherness. We didn't respond to you in five minutes, you would lose it," I recalled.
"I just wanted us to be together at all times," Val-lition told us.
"Well, you got way too clingy!" I responded.
"You almost tore our friendship apart just so we could be with you! You're nothing more than a shallow and inconsiderate troll who made us feel bad about ignoring you when in fact we were in the right to call you out!" said Rod.
"Now, my brobino and I are gonna make sure to put you to past for good and never have to worry about this ever again!" I told him.
"I gave you a chance to befriend me to put a stop to this, but I see I have no choice. will be dragged into the darkness of regret," Val-lition announced.
"Darkness...I am so sick of hearing that. At least when it's used to affiliate with something evil. It's so passe," said Rod.
"Oh, I know," said Gloria.
"Happens all the time<" said Vic.
"But that doesn't matter. We don't need a bitch like you. My bromigo and I have each other," said Rod.
"Yeah...and the only regret we ever had was what you put us through in the past.'s time...HERE WE COME!!!" I announced.

This then led to the start of the final battle with Val-lition.
"Prepare to feel my wrath," said Val-lition.
She cast a spell called Atmos Quake that fired a bunch of atoms at us that exploded for heavy damage. Rod summoned the powers of Thor and Zeus into his hammer so he could cause great lightning damage. I turned into 3rd Wheel as part of powering myself up.
"Everyone, stay behind us! We can't allow her to go any further!" I told them.
Jennifer and Rod did an electric combo move that blasted Val-lition and Shovel Knight attacked with a Charge Slash. We were all starting to get the hang of this.
"Cancellation," said Val-lition.
She cancelled our buffs and put us back to the way we were.
"Oh, that's just cowardly of you now," said Rod.
"Learn to fight against all odds, will ya?" I added.
"Increase," said Val-lition.
She powered herself up with some magic and got a big boost.
"Oh, you can boost yourself, but we can't do it to ourselves? Yeah, real fair," Alexis sarcastically protested.
"V-OLITION!" Vic shouted as he turned his V-ersytal into a plasma cannon to fire at Val-lition. But she simply reflected it with a powerful mirror force.
"Are you kidding me? She can reflect projectiles, too?" Vic asked.
"I can do long as I hold a grudge against your two leaders," said Val-lition.
"Be that as it may, you still won't win!" said Lori.
"We're not giving in no matter what!" Patrick.
"Just keep trying," said Val-lition.

We were not going to back down anytime soon. We kept on fighting with everything we had. I turned back into 3rd Wheel and shot some of my tire traps on her, but she instantly teleported and ended up right behind me.
"You broke my I'm gonna break your neck..." she said.
But just before she could, Shovel Knight and Emily bashed her aside.
"Don't you do kill my dad!" said Emily.
" have all been a thorn in my side for too long now! Now I shall see to it that you are done for!" said Val-lition.
She then summoned two orbs that would process some kind of energy that would make her omnipotent.
We tried to attack her with all our might, but nothing seemed to faze her now.
"Oh no! Nothing is working now!" said Emily.
"She's got us by the balls!" said Vic.
"I can't believe it's gonna end like this!" said Lincoln.
"Now then...ready for me to delete you from existence?" Val-lition asked.
"This won't end well," said Emily.
She came dashing right at us at blinding speed to give us all a beatdown.

The battle outside the tower was starting to seem like we were winning, but little did our friends know that we were in trouble.
"We just keep on fighting, and we don't know how much longer till they fall!" said Pearl.
"This is getting too intense!" said Dipper.
"We can't hold them off much longer!" said Stan.
"Why won't they just go down and die already?" Rachel wondered.
Just then, all of the island was starting to be shrouded in blood red and jet black clouds with the tower about to reach a point of awakening Val-lition's true power. Galleom couldn't allow this.
"I have to do something," he said.
"Galleom! What are you doing?" Alexis asked.
Galleom jetted in tank mode and rushed over to the tower.

Val-lition had been holding a curb stomp battle against us with her powers so great that nothing we could do could scratch her or avoid her attacks. She had every pinpoint ready. It was like a fight out of Dragonball Z/Kai or something when she beat us senselessly. It looked like there was nothing left.
"You cannot win. I have everything that will keep me from facing defeat. And's time that we said our final goodbye," said Val-lition.
"No...I can't lose everyone and everything I love..." I whimpered.
"" Rod wheezed.
"Farewell and good riddance," said Val-lition.
But just before she could unleash her final attack on us that consisted of a giant supernova of destruction, something burst through the tower walls and pushed her right into them. It was...
"Galleom?!" I gasped.
"You're not going to put an end to my friend or his friends. He has so much to live for. As for's time for my last resort," said Galleom.
He then activated a bomb inside of him that was about to go off in a few minutes.
"Well...that's just how I'm gonna be now. But I just want to go out...with a bang," said Galleom.
"What are you saying?" I asked.
"Are you...?" Alexis started.
" has been a fun ride. But I feel like my time is over. Now, I have one last thing to do...and that's weaken Val-lition's power with my last upgrade," said Galleom.
"No! You can't! You shouldn't!" I begged.
"It's okay, Andrew. I know when my time has come. And finally has. And I will at least do it in a way that will bring an end to Val-lition's omnipotent status. After's all you," said Galleom.
"NO! LET ME GO, YOU ARROGANT AUTOMATON!" Val-lition exclaimed.
Galleom then sighed as the clock was just about at zero and announced,
"It's time now for the ultimate sacrifice to be made! I'VE HAD...A MARVELOUS LIFE!!!"
I then knew what he was going to do.
"Goodbye...old friend..." I told him.
"Thank you, Andy...and goodbye..." said Galleom.

Just then, there was a gargantuan supernova like explosion from Galleom's bomb that it blew him away for good. And this blast was so awesome that it tore off the top of the tower and left Val-lition without her ultimate powers. She was severely weakened. And all that remained of Galleom was the helmet that was used in the Subspace Emissary.
"Galleom...thank you for doing your part," I thanked him.
"No! This is impossible! That blast was so great, I feel severely lacking in my superior abilities!" Val-lition lamented.
"Looks like the shoe's on the other foot now, huh?" I asked.
We were still a little weakened from the battle, but we had to stand up and fight.

Everyone looked on and saw what we were going through.
"Don't falter! This is the moment of truth that you have been waiting for!" said Palutena.
"You can't lose now! We're here by your side always!" said Ian.
"Yeah! Keep fighting!" said Yellow Fire.
"We're not giving up on you after you learned your mistake, buddy," said Ruben.
"Get up!" said Max.
"Show them what you're made of!" said Steven.
"We're all depending on you!" said Dipper.
"Brother...please...for us...rise..." said Theresa.
"We're with you until the end!" said Mega Man.
"Are you just gonna let her kick you around?" Scott asked.
"Anyone who has defeated me us is not allowed to lose!" said the Inklings.
"You got it, dudes!" said Soos.
Even Overdrive came in.
"3rd Wheel...if anyone's gonna finish you off, it's gonna be me. But right now, I can't stand to see you sit down and let all of Deviation fall to ruin. You get your butt up right now and start fighting like a man! We still got a score to settle, but right now, you've got a past to put behind you," said Overdrive.
Even the spirit of Galleom was there.
" have come a long way in 8 years. And now, the time has come to put an end to this felonious fiend who had nearly torn us all apart. We believe in you! BELIEVE IN THE ME WHO BELIEVES IN YOU!" Galleom's spirit shouted.

Everyone was cheering for us.
They were all there to cheer us on after everything that had happened in this past week.
"What are these mere words? Do they really believe they'll reach out to you?" Val-lition questioned.
"They already have..." I said.
We all started to stand up and were feeling refreshed already. All our injuries had been erased and we could finally feel more determined than ever to put an end to this malarkey she put us through.
"This is going to be a fantastic performance!" Lisia believed.
"You got that right!" said Damon.
"No...this is impossible. You're still standing after the severe thrashing I did unto you?" Val-lition asked.
"You have no idea how important these people and these characters are to us. They're like a family that we have online. And right now, our family needs us. And we need each other," I told her.
"So, Val-lition, it's time to finally bring an end to this. We're done with you," said Rod.
"Luna...a little final battle music?" I requested.
"You got it, sir! 1, 2, 3!" Luna agreed as she busted out her guitar and started making some rocking final battle music.
"Now...WE FIGHT!!!" I announced.

Val-lition was now furious over her plans to do away with my friendship with Rod now gone to ruins.
"YOU'LL PAY FOR ALL OF THIS!!!" she roared.
"Not today!" I told her.
I then turned into 3rd Wheel one last time and Rod became the Mighty Lightning.
"Now you have us to deal with," said Rod.
"Very well, prepare for your deactivation and your graves!" said Val-lition.
She activated Atmos Quake again and this time, it didn't do nearly as much as it did the first time she used it. Luna rocked on her guitar to shatter Val-lition's eardrums as well as to buff herself up.
"Oh yeah! Let's rock your world!" said Luna.
"Sisters, form Sistron!" said Lori.
The sisters all huddled up together and formed some kind of mech that Lincoln took control of.
"Attack!" Lincoln announced.
Lana fired mud pies and Luan coconut cream to splatter Val-lition who teleported to avoid them and got socked by the last one of them both. Lana then used a machine gun that shot spitballs at her and Isaac struck her with the Judgment Djinn summon to do massive Venus damage to her.
"Why? Why can I not defeat you?" Val-lition asked.
"You'll see why soon enough," said Rod.

The battle raged on, and while Val-lition fought with anger, we fought with hope.
"You know, it seems pretty unfair that we outnumber you," I told her.
"It doesn't matter! I can still do this!" said Val-lition.
She then formed a bunch of clones to hide herself.
"Can you find me?" she asked.
Crow blasted a magical energy wave to erase all of the clones and found the real one.
"Did you even have to ask?" Crow asked.
"DRAT!" Val-lition hissed.
"Oh, now she's gonna get angry," said Max.
"Oh, is she ever," Ruben agreed.

Sceptile and Greninja were brought out for another round. I had Sceptile Mega Evolve into Mega Sceptile who was now ready to fight.
"I shall put that overgrown tree on ice!" said Val-lition. She summoned a glacial blast at Mega Sceptile only for Sarah to counter it with a flame and Steven to shield Mega Sceptile with his bubble.
"You've got a lot to learn about fighting a team when solo, rookie," said Sarah.
Greninja then came at her and struck her with a flurry of Night Slash.
"I have been through enough of this already!" said Val-lition.
She then buffed herself up to get ready to really hurt us. But we knew all too well how to stop that.
"Cancellation!" said Crow.
With that, no more buffs for Val-lition.
"CHEATER!" she shouted.
"Hey, you did it before," said Crow.
"V-IGOR!" said Vic.
He then turned his weapon into a gigantic axe and swung it right at Val-lition who was doing her best to sway around and teleport from spot to spot only for Shovel Knight's Shovel Blade to bang her upside the head.
"For Shovelry!" said Shovel Knight.

Mega Sceptile and Greninja did a combo move that involved using an Energy Ball and a Water Shuriken combined. It became the Shuriken Ball and it tore up Val-lition's robes.
"Gah! I've had enough of this! Feel my wrath one way or another!" said Val-lition.
She then channeled all her hatred, anger, and pain into one incredible and deadly wave of power that did such heavy damage to us all.
"Now then...where were we?" Val-lition asked.
It seemed she was finally manage to get things back in her favor, but she had forgotten something.
"Wait...where are they? The two I have been after the most?" she asked.
"WE'RE RIGHT HERE!" said Rod.
We came up from the ceiling.
"NOW, ROD!" I told him.
Rod threw the Caer down at Val-lition and I came wheeling right at her as we both had a big aura surrounding us for a severe combo strike.
"Oh...crap..." said Val-lition.

The collision led to a lot of debris flying off and it caused Val-lition to be crushed underneath. Upon that, the tower started to collapse.
"Uh...guys...I think we should get going," said Lori.
"Anybody need a lift?" I asked as I turned into my car form. Everyone then hopped a little cramped and crowded, but right now, beggars couldn't be choosers. We had to get out right away. We got out right as the tower was collapsing. And it seemed the island was about to sink right into the ocean.
"Uh...guys? Are we supposed to be sinking into the ocean like this?" Amethyst asked.
"No," the others answered.
"That's what I thought," said Amethyst.
"WE'RE DOOMED!" Luigi cried.
"Not quite!" I told them as I came racing by with the ones who helped me defeat Val-lition.
They all followed and we managed to get back there and off the island just in time.
"Anybody need to use the bathroom?" Lana joked.
"Now's not the time for that!" Emily responded.
"Good point," said Lana.

We all sailed off into the sky, or at the very least, however high up in the air we were when we took off as the island came careening toward the ocean. We thought it was gonna sink down into it like Atlantis, but it seemed to have started floating right there in the vast ocean. The remains of the tower still lingered about.
"Well, I thought we were gonna plummet into the ocean, but the impact probably would have still been excruciating," said Simon.
"At the very least, we are all safe," said Rosalina.
"What do you suppose happened to the Octagon?" Leni pondered.

Elsewhere, the Octagon didn't seem to be falling down a bottomless pit anymore. They all just ended up somewhere else.
"I didn't know that a bottomless pit had a bottom," said Golly.
"It's not supposed to," said Nui.
They appeared to have been in a vast desert landscape. They were in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
"The Sahara Desert?!" the Majin gasped.
"Ono! Wii r gona dye uv thirst!" said Straight Sara.
"I will never last in this heat..." said Ymundra.
"Well...we boned," said DJ Octavio.
"Eh, you'll get used to it," said Saturos.
"We can. We are Mars Adepts after all," said Menardi.
"Oh, shut up," said DJ Octavio.

As for Val-lition herself, she emerged from the debris with a single hand. Some of the tower was still standing, but who knows for how long.
"Why? I had it all! This is impossible! Andy and Rod were supposed to hate each other again! And they were supposed to lose all their friends! I should have torn them all apart! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I HATE IT HERE!" she complained.
Just then, the remaining ruins of the tower came tumbling down right on top of her, thus resulting in the end of her little endeavor and then some. As it tumbled, the only sound she made was a cathartic scream of defeat. We were never to see Val-liton ever again. And it was for the best. Finally, the past was put behind us.

Soon enough, we all returned safely to our home. Thankfully, we were easily able to clean up the mess that was caused by the war. I did feel a little guilty about that whole thing.
"Hey, guys...about the other day and how I know..." I sighed trying to apologize. "I...I..."
"Hey, man. It's okay. I'm just glad you and I finally put THAT behind us at long last," said Rod.
"We all are," said Theresa.
Everyone each gave me a hug for comfort to show that they forgive me.
"I made a huge mistake, and I am glad that I fixed it. I couldn't have done it without you guys," I thanked.
"It's what friends do," said the Mario Bros.
"Friends..." I said.
The only one who didn't make it back was Galleom. I still had his helmet in my hands.
"If you want...we could patch him up and make a new Galleom," said Lynn.
"I would be more than welcome to do lend a hand with that," said Simon.
I sighed and said,
"No. He was willing to make that sacrifice. And if there's one thing I's that we should respect the wishes of others. So, Galleom...thank you for everything..." I thanked him.

There was a memorial service made in honor of Galleom. His helmet was placed on top of the memorial as the center of it all.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in honor of the noble sacrifice made by one Galleom. He was an amazing automaton who fought for what was right after his time in Subspace came to an end. And he was the right-hand man of Dandy Andy. Now, we look on today in tribute of his brave endeavor that stopped Val-lition. And we cannot forget about what he had done," said Lucy.
"He was a brave machine man thing," said Alexis.
"Definitely lasted longer than we thought," said Sergio.
"Gonna miss him," said Rod.
"Let us all have a moment of silence and pray for Galleom's duties," said Lucy.
We all did just that. The silence was beautiful and the time had come to say my final goodbye to him.
"Goodbye, Galleom...I'll miss you," I told him. "Thank you for everything."

It took a little time, but after that, all wounds were healed and I could finally move on with my work.
"So, now that that silly war is over, how about we get a little do-over on that speech I had been meaning to do at the cotillion?" I suggested.
"That sounds good to me," said Rod.
"Everyone! Come forth! We have a do-over to be made!" said Alexis.
"Come one come all!" said Emily.

Everyone gathered back at the hall the cotillion was held at before.
"And this time, we won't have any sinister beings or felonious demons trying to ruin anything," said Sonic.
"We made sure of it," said Rosalina.
"Now then, here is the speech I had originally before it got forged up," I told them.
I cleared my throat and read,
"People of Deviant Art! Friends, characters, OC's and the like. It was been a great eight years since I joined up with you all and to this day, I am happy to say that I have been able to share all of this with you. Old and new, the times have come and will come with panache and I can never get enough of it. This place is more than just a website. It's like another home, and you are the family I come to. Yes, there are moments of disagreement and sorrow, but we do manage to overcome it all and we are more than able to work it out together. All of you I see right before me I see as a blessing. A miracle. A gift. I can never do as well alone as I do with you guys. So, I thank you all for eight years and hope there will be many more to come.
Eternally grateful,
Andrew Mantynen
AKA Dandy Andy

Everyone applauded the speech I made and they were most happy that I could get it right.
"Finally! It came out just right this time!" said Emily.
"HUZZAH!" we all cheered.
With that, we could finally enjoy the cotillion.

So, it has come to pass. Eight years and still going on strong with what I do best. I looked on at the sky and was most amazed with my progress.
"I'm Dandy Andy, bringing everyone's favorite series into my own fan fiction image," I announced. I then turned to the camera and said,
With that, I became 3rd Wheel and rode off down a long straight road, getting ready for my next story and my next adventure.

End Song: He Is My Hero from F-Zero GX

In this world you've got to be strong
You've got to fight to keep your spirit alive
And you might feel like there is nothing left to go for and fight for
But it's the fight that keeps us ready and on guard

Even I can feel the power
When I think of him
I see no fear, feel no pain

Forever he will be my hero
(Better believe he knows the way)
And not just only for tonight

And now that I'm not just a dreamer
(And I know I got what he's got)
And not just only for tonight

I've got power
I'm gonna fight to win
I'm gonna fight to the end

Even I can feel the power
When I think of him
I see no fear, feel no pain

Forever he will be my hero
(Better believe he knows the way)
And not just only for tonight

And now that I'm not just a dreamer
(And I know I got what he's got)
And not just only for tonight

Forever he will be my hero
(Forever he will be my hero)
And now that I'm not just a dreamer
(And now that I'm not just a dreamer)

Forever he will be my hero
(Forever he will be my hero)
And now that I'm not just a dreamer
(And now that I'm not just a dreamer)

Forever he will be my hero
And now that I'm not just a dreamer
Forever he will be my hero
And now that I'm not just a dreamer
Forever he will be my hero
And now that I'm not just a dreamer

End Song

Destiny Lovers by Miyuki Kunitake

Kagayaku hoshi yo negai wo kanaete
Aisuru hito ni douka itsuka...

Deatta shunkan hoshi ga nagareta
Mabataki no hayasa de koi ni ochiteita
Anata no manazashi sono te no nukumori
Naze ka wakaranai natsukashii kimochi ga
Mune no oku de yobisamasu yo hoshi nikizamareta kioku

Mayowanai mou meguriaeta kara
Hanasanai kono te wo nido to
Our souls are now as one...

Itsumo shinjiteta zutto matteita
Itsuka unmei no hito ni meguriau to
Mienai nanika ni michibikareru youni
Deaeta kiseki wa guuzen janai destiny
Kitto futari wa ikutsumono jidai ni
Koushite meguriatte itane

Mayowanai mou meguriaeta kara
Hanasanai kono te wo nido to

Michibiite hoshi yo sora no kanata kara
Haruka tooi kioku koko ni ima

Kanasane mune atatakaku natsukashii kodou hibiku
Mune no oku de yobisamasu yo hoshi nikizamareta kioku

Mayowanai mou meguriaeta kara
Hanasanai kono te wo nido to

Michibiite hoshi yo sora no kanata kara
Haruka tooi kioku koko ni ima

Forever, you and me...

End song

And thus brings an end to a great catastrophe thanks to a great miracle. Peace, love, and tranquility have returned. And for now...let us rest easy. And to one hero...thank you.

In Loving Memory of Galleom



Here we are. Finally. The finale to my 8 year anniversary special. And we take on Val-lition and finish off her army and save the site from even more destruction than it has gone through. Of course, in the end, a great sacrifice had to be made.

RIP: Galleom

:wave: Thank you all for reading and supporting me throughout the years! I hope to continue onward and never disappoint and we shall never like this happen again! :salute: :w00t:

Special thanks to all my friends and the characters they created as well as the original creators of the characters used here that I am a fan of. Credit to you all! :iconthumbsupplz:
© 2016 - 2024 DandyAndy1989
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pikatwig's avatar
Sorry for Galleom's loss. May he go up to the machine after-life and live in peace. ...who knows, maybe he'll meet a certain chaser there (reference to something you won't get).

Overall... not bad.