
The Loud House: Criss-Crossover

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The Loud House was coming soon to television. A series about a boy who is the middle child and only son in a family that consisted of ten sisters. He did seem like the odd one out of the bunch, but he was still happy to live with those close to him...depending on how close he actually was with them as matter. Lincoln Loud was in the kitchen right now as a chef.
"Ah, good day, everyone! Today, I have a fine dish to be prepared for tonight! I present to you a recipe for..." he announced.

Lincoln Loud's Crossover Casserole

"...Lincoln Loud's Crossover Casserole. It's a very easy recipe to follow. You take a dash of toons, add in a pinch of humor, some extra screentime for good measurement, as well as the permission of other cartoonists and networks to allow us to meet these characters face to face. Lay it flat on the pan, and then put it in the oven for about 30 minutes at 400 degrees. And now, let us watch the casserole in process," said Lincoln.
The oven was cooking something up alright. Here is what was baking in that dish.


Luan Loud was busy getting ready for her big comedy act tonight.
"Okay, Mr. Coconuts, it looks like you and I are gonna be ready for tonight's show," said Luan.
"Boy, Luan, when it comes to making people laugh, you sure cause a riot!" said Mr. Coconuts.
"You bet I do," said Luan.
Just then, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" said Luan.
She then answered the door.
"Hello?" she asked.
She then paused in a brief silence. At the door were the Warner Bros and Warner Sister, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.
"I don't hear anything loud going on here. Do you, Wakko?" Yakko asked.
"For a house, it sure is a quiet one if you ask me," said Wakko.
"Hey, have you thought of changing this to the Dormant House or something?" Dot asked.
Luan had a really excited grin on her face and squealed with delight.
"I haven't heard a shriek like that since Donald Trump was nominated," said Yakko.
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Are you who I think you are?" Luan asked.
"We're the Warner Bros!" said Yakko and Wakko.
"And the Warner Sister!" Dot added.
"Yakko...Wakko...and Dot? In my home?! OH, THIS IS SUCH A HUGE HONOR! PLEASE COME IN!" she said as she yanked them in.

The Warners looked around to see what the place was like.
"Looks like we just walked right out of the funny pages," said Yakko.
"And right back into them!" said Luan. She giggled at this.
"You need help. Dr. Scratchansniff can help with that. Although, you look more lost than us," said Dot.
"HEY, GUYS! LOOK WHO'S HERE!!!" Luan cried out.
The other Loud kids came into the living room to see their guests.
"Who are they?" Lori asked.
"It's the Warners from the very cartoon that inspired me to be a comedian!" Luan squealed.
"Cartoon characters in our home?" Lincoln asked.
"That is a mere impossibility," said Lisa.
"Guys, this is my family: Lily, Lisa, Lana, Lola, Lucy, my only brother Lincoln, Lynn, Luna, Leni, and our first born sibling Lori," Luan introduced. "And I'm Luan Loud. I'm such a huge fan!"
Yakko and Wakko rushed up to her and jumped into her arms.
"Why do I always attract weirdos?" Lori asked.
Dot looked at Lincoln.
"Hmm...nah. Do something about your hair, and then we'll talk," she said.
"Hey, I can't help it when I have been stressed as the only boy in the family," Lincoln insisted.
"Come on. I have got to show you my room," said Luan.

In Luan and Luna's room, Luan was showing them some of the comedic inspirations that got her into comedy in the first place.
"And there was Charlie Chaplin with his amazing blindfolded roller skating. And Abbott and Costello with Who's On First? Lynn and I did that routine once. See?" Luan explained. There was indeed a photo of her Lynn doing that bit.
"Wow. You channel more than all of television itself," said Yakko.
"Oh, you bet I do. But when it comes to cartoon comedy, you three were the most inspiration for me. Wakko...a device that is so convoluted and precise just to make people sit on a whoopee cushion? Genius! and your poetry puts Lucy to shame. And Yakko. The head honcho himself. The many moments you said "Goodnight, everybody!" Oh, I just can't help but...worship you guys!" Luan told them. She was so excited to meet them and have her in her home.
"Boy, we're flattered, but uhhhhhhh...worshiping us like we're a religion? Even we couldn't pull that off on our show," said Yakko.
"First time for everything!" said Luan.
"We've had crazier fans before, but this is definitely the most obsessed one," said Dot.

The Warners were making their way out of the room to see what the other kids were up to. The hallway was getting pretty chaotic.
"What's going on out here?" Dot asked.
"It's Saved By The Bell all over again out here!" said Wakko.
"Oh, that's just how it always is in the Loud House. It's our very way of life," said Luan.
"The neighbors don't mind it, do they?" Dot asked.
"Nah, they got used to it," said Luan.
"So, uhhhhhh...where was Lori's room exactly?" Yakko asked.
"Right over there," said Luan. She was pointing them somewhere.
"Thanks!" said Wakko.
Dot just sighed and went,
"Boys. Go fig."
"You got that right," said Lynn.

However, Yakko and Wakko ended up in the bathroom.
"This doesn't look like a bedroom," said Yakko.
"Maybe they don't like to get up and leave very often," said Wakko.
"Or it could be one of those rooms with their own private bathrooms," Yakko figured.
Luan shut the door right behind them and had a bit of a flirtatious look on her face.
"Luan?" Wakko asked.
"Why would anyone wanna sleep in here? No bed, no personal possessions, no closets to hang their clothes, and no personal TV!" said Yakko.
"That's cause I wanted us to have some private time in the one private room," she said with a flirting tone.
"Yakko, I think she's starting to come onto us," said Wakko.
"Look, Luan, we just met. Have you thought of maybe getting a chance to know us?" Yakko considered.
"Oh...I know more than enough about you. And I can't live without you boys!" said Luan. She put on some lipstick and said, "You're about to see more red than a strawberry vineyard."
"Okay, that's our cue to amscray!" said Yakko.
He put a plunger right on Luan's face and she sighed dreamily.
"I got tricked by them. It doesn't get any better than this..." she swooned.

Yakko and Wakko got out of the bathroom and met up with their sister.
"Dot, I think it's time we got out of here," said Yakko.
"Ah, but I was just about to show off my new look and 1-up Lola," said Dot wearing a new fashion design Leni made her.
"Luan's going cuckoo for us!" said Wakko pointed out.
"Maybe she should eat less chocolate flavored cereal," said Dot.
Luan burst out the bathroom door with hearts in her eyes.
"Yakko and Wakko! Must touch them!" said Luan.
"Do the huge hearts in her eyes give you any other implications?" Yakko asked.
"Yeah, it's the look we have in the eyes of cute people," said Dot.
"Let's make like a pencil and get the lead out!" said Wakko.
"Ooh! That's a good one!" Luan cheered.
"JUST RUN!" Yakko shouted.
The boys ran for it.
"Nice outfit, Dot! I'm gonna go obsessively chase your brothers now!" said Luan.
"You do that!" said Dot.

Yakko and Wakko were running all over the Loud House trying to get away from Luan. They tried throwing everything but the kitchen sink at her, but nothing seemed to faze her.
"You threw everything but the kitchen sink at me. Now...throw it!" said Luan.
Yakko did indeed throw it, but she was unfazed.
"Oh, that is so comically dreamy of you!" she told them.
"It's unstoppable!" Wakko panicked.
"Call in the national guard!" Yakko ordered.
"Kiss me, you fools!" said Luan.
She had them in her grip and was about to kiss them as they tried to pull free.
"No! Let's stay like this forever! We'll make the world laugh at our love!" said Luan.
"Then they'd be mocking that kind of relationship!" said Yakko.
"I don't care! YOU INSPIRED ME!" Luan insisted.
"Should we do something about this?" Lincoln wondered.
"Are you kidding? This is the funniest thing Luan's ever done!" Lori pointed out.
Wakko smacked Luan with her mallet and she was still unfazed.
"The mallet...a classic..." Luan sighed.

"So, if we can add in a touch of bedazzling jewel thingies and a couple of earrings that match yours, no one will ever outrank me in cuteness?" Dot asked.
"That's right," Leni insisted.
"Okay, let's go for it," said Dot.
Yakko grabbed his sister and they bolted for the door.
"Hey! I wasn't done there!" said Dot.
"Well, you are now," said Yakko.
They rushed all the way back to Warner Bros. Studios and made their way back to the water tower that they resided in.
"That place may not have been loud, but it's more sane in here," said Yakko.
Just as they stepped inside, there was a familiar tone.
"Hello, boys..." she said.
Yakko and Wakko screamed in horror to see that it was Luan.
"I'll leave you three alone," Dot teased as she left for her room.
"Now...where were we?" she asked.
Nothing left in Wakko's gag bag, the brothers were forced to accept their fate in Smooch City and burst out of the door having been smooched by Luan.
"WHY DOES IRONY MOCK US!?" Yakko screamed.
Luan looked on at them dreamily and said,
"Luan Loud always gets the last laugh."
This led to a little song cue.

Luan: I'm a Luanimaniac
I've got laughter on my stack
So just relax and kick back
I'm sure to make you crack

I have one single brother and sisters totaled at nine
Just for fun I show some material of mine
I play a few pranks on them and always come out fine
It gets so loud inside this crowd so you should see the sign


Mr. Coconuts has my back
There is nothing that I lack
I love being out of wack

There's Leni who is not so bright
And the first born named Lori
Lisa is such a genius
And Lincoln tells the story
Lola and Lana are twins
Lynn gets the best score, yee!
And Luna rocks, and Lucy shocks
Lily's lavatory

I stick up to my contract!
Don't give me any flack
I'm the joker of the pack

Loud Kids: We're speaking loudly
Saying it so proudly

Luan: We love being rowdy

On the attack!

End song

Iris Out

Luna In The Fast Laney

Luna was busy rocking out in the garage. She was practicing some rocking covers of famous tracks.
"Yeah! Na na na na na! Yeah-ha-ha-ha-ha!" she wailed.
Just then, someone came walking on by and revealed herself to be Laney Penn from the neighborhood kid band, Grojband.
"Looks like we got ourselves a fellow in the rock world," said Laney.
Luna finished up on a high note. Literally.
"Sweet. Now I'm really killin' it!" she said.
"I'll say. You're pretty good from the notes I heard you play," said Laney.
"Aren't you Laney Penn from Grojband?" Luna asked.
"That's me. One of the rocking members. Sometimes mistaken for a guy," said Laney.
"So I heard," said Luna.

They were looking on at their guitars.
"So, how long have you been playing?" Luna asked.
"Oh, quite a few years actually," said Laney.
"I've been playing ever since I was just in the 1st grade. I put the "rock" in "School House Rock"," said Luna.
She remembered all those times she had playing in elementary school. She always took a music class and had a lot of fun with it.
"Yeah. Music is kind of a passion of mine," said Luna.
"Are you in a band? Or do you go solo?" Laney wondered.
"I guess solo. I really haven't formed a band of my own. My family ain't really into that kind of stuff. They have their own things," Luna responded.
"Well, I could be a jam buddy of yours," Laney offered.
"Sweet! Let's do it!" said Luna.
They got their guitars together and rocked on real hard together. They were tearing the garage up with the sound waves kicking in.
"You're pretty good, shorty," said Luna.
"You're not so bad yourself," said Laney.
Then they said together,
"Of course, I was the stronger in this."
Then they realized what they said.
"What'd you say? I said I was stronger. No you weren't! I was!" they said at the same time.
They didn't like that.
"Okay, let's have one rock duel tonight!" said Luna.
"Sounds good to me!" said Laney.
They clashed their guitars together as if they were swords and were ready for anything.

Laney told her band mates about this.
"So, she has the gall to say that she's better than the guitarist for Grojband!" said Laney.
"Well, Lanes, you know we're always behind ya," said Corey.
"You'll nail it!" said Kin.
"Give her heck," said Kon.
"I always know I can count on you guys," said Laney. She got her guitar and was ready to play.

Luna had her guitar ready.
"Hey, bro, you need another travel song for your trip to the bathroom?" Luna asked.
"Nah, I'm good this time," said Lincoln.
"Well, I'm practicing for this guitar duel and I need something," said Luna.
"Who are you dueling?" Lincoln asked.
"The guitarist of Grojband herself."
"You think I can win?"
"There's no one I know who rocks more than you. You'll do great!"
He told the other girls about the big duel Luna was having and they were making a banner to show her support.
"You got this, Luna!" said Lana.
"Thanks, guys!" said Luna.

The night of the big duel was ready to commence. The kids all took their seats.
"You have a lot of sisters. I'm lucky to have just one, but at the same time, pretty unlucky as well," Corey told Lincoln.
"She can't be that bad," Lincoln thought.
"Oh, you have no idea," Corey responded.
The duel was ready to go. Luna VS Laney. Only one would be left standing and the other would be put to shame.
"GO, LUNA!" the Loud kids cheered.
"YOU CAN DO IT, LANEY!" the Grojband boys rooted.
The two took the stage and started playing some notes to match. They then started going all out with their amplifiers really starting to pick it up.
"Ooh, this is getting good!" said Luan.
"I'm liking this so far," said Kon.
Luna and Laney were rocking and shredding and going all out so much that it was starting to cause a massive shake around the stage. The notes were flying all over the place and the amplifiers were starting to bounce up and down from the volume.
They both pumped up to max volume and played the highest notes possible and it caused a huge epic explosion. The two of them were both still standing after that.
"Wow..." said Lori.

The two of them saw what happened and had a good laugh.
"That was sick!" said Luna.
"You said it!" said Laney.
"You know, I gotta say. You really know how to rock there."
"And you are definitely one of the best I met."
"I would love to jam with you again."
"I'll take you up on that."
They picked up their guitars and performed together.
"Is it over?" Leni asked.
"I can't hear a thing," said Lincoln.
"WHAT?!" Leni asked.
"Way to go, Lanes. Thanks for coming out, everyone..." said Corey.

Fade out

You Can't Twin Them All

Lola and Lana were very opposite in forms of twins. Lola loved all things elegant. Lana enjoyed laying back. Lola was clean. Lana was dirty. Lola was worried about her looks. Lana didn't care about hers. They were very different.
"Oh...hello you little walking landfill," said Lola.
"Hey, yourself, you prissy princess," said Lana.
They were definitely not the best at getting along with each other. Just then, a bus came by and stopped right in front of their house.
"Oh, great. Something's up with the engine. Now we'll never get to our destination," said the driver.
He let the passengers who were there off so they could get some air. It was Dipper and Mabel Pines.
"This isn't Gravity Falls," said Mabel.
"I was kinda hoping to see everyone again after what happened last summer," said Dipper.
"Hey, you! What are you doing here?" Lana asked.
"Sorry. Our ride got totaled," said Mabel.
"Oh. Well, lucky for you, I can probably take a look at it," said Lana.

Lola came out of the door and saw there were guests.
"Greetings. Welcome to The Loud House. I am Lola Loud, the elegant and refined young lady you see before you," said Lola.
"Oh...hello, Lola," said Mabel.
"I'm Dipper and this is Mabel," said Dipper.
Lola and Lana did giggle about one thing.
"Dipper? What kind of name is that?" Lana asked.
"Did your parents hate you or something?" Lola asked.
"It's just thanks to my birthmark, okay?" Dipper complained.
"He's a little sensitive," said Mabel.
"Now, about your sweater design...I do not believe a robot rampaging through downtown Tokyo is very suitable," Lola pointed out.
"Like you could knit?" Mabel asked.
"No, but I'm sure my sister Leni can," said Lola.
"Look, it's gonna be a while to get this bus fixed. You go inside or something, kay?" Lana insisted.

The twins looked around and saw what they saw.
"Nice place you got here," said Mabel.
"Thank you. It's not a castle, but I make due with what I have," said Lola. "Now who would like to have a tea party with me?"
"I don't know. The bus could be fixed any second and-" Dipper figured.
"YOU'RE INVITED AND YOU CAN'T TURN IT DOWN!" Lola insisted angrily.
They then sat down and enjoyed a little tea party, whether they wanted to or not.
"More tea, Dipper?" Lola asked.
"No thank you," said Dipper.
"How about you, Mabel?" Lola asked.
"Sure," said Mabel.
As they finished up their tea party, Lana came right on in.
"Hey, we're on break right now and why settle for a boring old tea party when I can show you my collection of worms?" she asked.
She showed them the worms.
"Oh, Lana! Get those disgusting abominations out of our room!" Lola insisted.
"We've seen more disgusting," said Dipper.
"I don't even want to know," said Lola.
"I do!" Lana requested.
"Try fighting off living breathing clay models," said Mabel.
"Or a monster made out of expired candy," said Dipper.
"Ooh! Gross! I love it!" said Lana. "Tell me all about it while I'm patching up the truck," said Lana.

As Lana was patching up the bus, the twins continued on.
"And there was the time we fell into a bottomless pit that ended up taking us back to where we started," said Dipper.
"And I also remember one time when Dipper helped our frenemy Pacifica out and they hugged," said Mabel.
"Mabel, that did not happen!" Dipper insisted.
"Oh, I beg to differ, Dipper," Mabel giggled.
"Man, wish I could have seen what that was like," said Lana.
"If we ever stop by after our time there this summer's over, we'll show you pics of all the creatures there," Mabel insisted.
"Deal!" said Lana.
"Come on! I want to give Mabel a nice makeover before she goes. And Dipper needs to dress up like a prince," said Lola.
"But they were just getting to the juicy stuff!" Lana complained.
"They're playing with me!" said Lola.
"Nuh-uh! They're chatting with me!" Lana retorted.
"Let us go!" said Dipper.
The Loud twins let go.
"Look. We really need to get to Gravity Falls. Can you just fix up the bus?" Mabel asked.
The Loud twins did feel like they got carried away.
"I don't know what's wrong with it. I thought I fixed everything," said Lana.
"Come on, you hunk of junk! Get working so Dipper and Mabel can get to where they need to go!" Lola screamed as she kicked the bus. This suddenly got it running again.
"Hey, it worked!" said Lana.
"Well, I guess we'll be on our way," said Dipper.
"Bye bye," said Lola.
"See ya around," said Lana.
The Pines Twins got on and were off.
"Bye, you two!" said Mabel.
As they left, Lola smirked a little.
"I fixed something you couldn't. That makes me a better mechanic than you," she bragged.
"That does not! You just got lucky!" Lana denied.
"Does too!"
"Does not!"
They were gonna be at it all day.

Fade out

Lisa's Dexter-ity

Lisa was busy experimenting with something in her room/lab.
"Yes...the bigger the explosion, the better the alchemist," she said.
Just then, she heard a ring at the door.
"Now who could that be as I am busy concocting my latest and greatest formula?" she wondered.
She answered the door to see a boy about her stature and specs wearing a lab coat, gloves, and boots.
"Okay! Where is this I hear about you being only near kindergarten level and having already received a PhD?" he asked.
"Oh, you heard about that? And who may I ask are you?" Lisa asked.
"I am Dexter: Boy Genius. And I am in the presence of who might be...a mind even greater than my own!" Dexter introduced himself. "How is that even possible?"
"I have been gifted with all sorts of knowledge upon birth, and this is the PhD to prove it," said Lisa.
She showed that she was from one of the best schools in the country and somehow has already proven to be a doctor. How this was possible, we don't know.
"Who would ever hire someone of your age?" Dexter asked.
"The president, the governor, my's not easy being a genius," said Lisa.
"Well, we shall see about that," said Dexter.

They entered the room and it showed the exact formula that Lisa was working on.
"As you can see, I have been formulating a potion that is sure to cure any and all fatal diseases, illnesses, syndromes, and other ailments. But I just haven't found the proper compounds," said Lisa.
"Well, it is very simple when you realize that you carry the two over the five on this part, and reverse the polarity of the mixture," said Dexter.
"Of course! It's so simple! Dexter, I think you and I would make quite a team!" said Lisa.
They shook on it and decided to make their genius be most well known.

The formula was coming right to fruition.
"Yes! Yes! Dexter! This is the moment we have been waiting for!" said Lisa.
"Yes, Lisa, I do believe that we have finally reached our achievement!" said Dexter.
Just then, Leni came right on in.
"Hey, Lisa! You wanna see the new outfit I made you?" Leni asked. Then she saw the potion and thought it was a drink. "Ooh! Nice soda! Don't mind if I do!"
"No, Leni! That's not a-" Lisa tried to say.
Leni drank it right in front of the geniuses.
"...soda..." Lisa finished.
"All that work gone! And I see that I am not the only one who lives with a buffoon of a sister," said Dexter.
"Hey, guys...I feel funny..." said Leni.
"That was supposed to be a cure for every disease. Who knows what could happen to a well person?" Lisa wondered.
This caused Leni to suddenly shapeshift into all sorts of forms of herself. She was turned into 8-bit sprite, a Hanna-Barbara-esque caricature, a CGI version of herself, etc.
"How long do you think this will last?" Lisa inquired.
"I would say...about an hour at most. She'll turn into a different and funny version of herself every minute until then," said Dexter.
"Someone make it stop!" said Leni.

Lisa and Dexter took notes of this phenomenon.
"As the unexpected test subject continued to go on for the next hour in her left, she had changed from many forms to another."
Leni then turned into her voice actress Liliana Mumy for a minute.
"This is getting all too real!" said Leni.
"So many unusual forms she had taken. Like, even for cartoons."
Leni also turned into an old time black and white version of herself and then an anime style.
"I'm just gonna keep walking," said Luna as she walked by seeing what was up with Leni.
There were so many forms that Leni took over the course of the hour.
"That...was scary..." she said.
She then felt too woozy to stand and keeled over from all of that.
"In the end, the test subject had fallen into a near fatal crash that nearly ended her life. But she came to and had barely remembered all that had occurred in the hour."
"The last thing I remember...I drank some kind of soda that really made me look and act funny," she said.
"Wish I could have had some of that," said Luan.
Lisa and Dexter then got an idea.

They made so many of these potions that would be sure to be rather amusing.
"It's either a miraculous cure or a hilarious soda," said Dexter.
"Either way, we discovered a peach of a concoction here!" said Lisa.
They clashed their beakers together over their success.

Iris out

A New Gem-eration

Lincoln was so down in the dumps. Being the only boy in the whole family, he had no one to hang out or play with when his buddy Clyde was unavailable.
"I'm so bored...there's nothing to do when you're the only guy around," said Lincoln.
Just then, a portal of some kind came out.
"Uh-oh! Are demons from the underworld coming to enslave us all?! As shown in one of my comics?" he asked.
But it wasn't a demon. It was a boy riding a big pink lion.
"Hello," the boy greeted him.
"A LION!" Lincoln cried.
"Don't worry. He's harmless. Unless I'm in danger," said the boy.
Lincoln sighed with relief.
"I'm Steven Universe. And I think I made a wrong turn around one of the portals," said Steven.
"I'm Lincoln Loud. I really didn't expect something like this," said Lincoln.
"So...what is this place?"
"Steven Universe...welcome to...The Loud House!"

Inside, Lincoln looked around and saw how roomy it was here.
"You live here? And I thought the temple was pretty cool. This is like the kind of house I'd live in if I wasn't tied to a destiny," said Steven.
"What is this destiny?" Lucy asked appearing out of nowhere, frightening Steven.
"Oh, sorry about, Steven. Lucy tends to do that a lot," said Steven.
" is a word that means that an event must occur. It cannot be denied," said Lucy.
"Riiiiiight," said Steven.
"Hey, Lincoln. Did we get a new neighbor or something?" Lynn asked.
"This is Steven. He came from a portal on his pet lion," said Lincoln.
"You have a pet lion?" Lynn asked.
"That is so rad!" said Luna.
"Don't let that beats anywhere near me! I probably taste delicious!" Lori panicked.
"Lion only eats little snack cakes that look like lions like him," said Lincoln.
"You know, Lion would have been a cool name for a brother. Or Leon for that matter," said Lincoln. "Or even Leo."
"What's wrong with him?" Steven asked.
"He tends to get upset that he's the only brother," said Luan.
"It gets to him a lot," said Lisa.
"But hey, I get over it pretty quickly," said Lincoln.

The girls looked at the gem on his belly button.
"You got your belly button pierced?" Leni asked.
"Is that even appropriate for a boy your age?" Lola asked.
"I'm 14," said Steven.
The girls were shocked at that news.
"14?!" they all gasped.
"But you only look about the same age as Lincoln!" said Luna.
"That's cuz I'm only half human. It's like this in an explanation that's so long it will require us to wipe to the end of it," Steven said breaking the fourth wall as it cut to him finishing the explanation. "And that's what I am. A Crystal Gem."
"Oooooookay. And I thought Lincoln was a weirdo," said Lori.
"I'm not a weirdo! It's true!" said Steven.
"Well, it's not that we don't believe you, Steven. It's just...we have to see some proof in order to actually do so," said Lynn.
"Yes. A human gem hybrid sounds likely only in the works of fantasy," said Lisa.
"Well, Lion can show you some cool stuff," said Steven.
Lion was strong enough to hold all dozen kids, but it was a strenuous task.
"Okay, Lion, take us anywhere!" said Steven.
Lion let out a mighty roar and brought the kids to a gem site.

In this gem site, it seemed like a vast forest.
"So many trees here. Is it Christmas time already?" Luan joked.
"This is the Gem Forest. Very quiet, isn't it?" Steven asked.
"Opposite of our surname," said Lola.
They all got out and explored to see the beauty of the gem culture.
"How does something like this even exist?" Lori asked.
"They've been around for millennia," said Steven.
"Millennia?" Lisa asked.
"I'm starting to get the feeling we're in for a long ride," said Lincoln.
They were then suddenly being stalked by something.
"What was that sound?" Lincoln asked.
"Oh, it was probably just the wind," said Steven.
"I didn't see or hear a breeze," said Lisa.
"The wind only brings chills to one's epidermis," said Lucy. "And those chills...mean doom."
They could hear it again. Just then, they could see the light at the end of the forest.
"There's the light!" said Steven.

As they came out, they saw there was a corrupt gem in the form of a dragon. It roared viciously at them.
"DRAGON!" Lola cried.
"Cool. I think..." said Lana.
The dragon fired a gem beam from its mouth and nearly fried the kids.
"We gotta get outta here!" said Lori.
They ran for it, but Lincoln tripped over a twig and the dragon snared him with its tail.
"GUYS! HELP!" he cried.
"LINCOLN!" Luna cried.
The sisters ran back to save him and Steven wasn't gonna let anything happen to his new friend.
"We gotta save our brother!" Luan.
"Stay behind me! I'll protect you!" Lincoln told the sisters. He then put up a bubble to surround them as the monster breathed a beam at it.
" are we supposed to stop that thing?" Lori asked.
"We have to strike it in its gem without breaking it," said Steven.
"How are we gonna do that?" Lynn asked.
"Use your know-how!" said Steven.
He broke the bubble and the sisters got out what they could do best. Lori hooked up her phone to a mini-radio and plugged it into Luna's guitar who wailed a loud strum at the creature, making it twitch at the sound. Lincoln tossed his shield at the dragon's maw and made it impossible for it to close and fire its beam. Leni used her sewing needles to wrap it around the dragon's leg, and Luan sprayed seltzer water at it. And finally, Lynn struck at it with a karate chop. This caused the dragon to be vanquished and poof back into its gem. Lincoln then fell, but Luna caught him.
"Thank goodness you're alright, bro," Luna said as she gave him a big hug.
"Thanks," said Lincoln.
Steven bubbled up the gem and sent it back to the temple's rehabilitation chamber.
"There we go," he said.
"Well, I think we had enough gem culture for one day. Let's go home," said Lori.
"I'm with you," said Leni.

They got back to the Loud House and all was well.
"I'm sorry I put you all through that. I just needed to prove that I am what I told you I was," said Steven.
"Well, now we believe you," said Lori.
"And we gotta admit, that was pretty fun," said Lynn.
"Just next time, take us somewhere that's a little less inhabited by big gem monsters," Lola insisted.
"It's a deal," said Steven.
"Thanks again for coming, Steven. I don't have a lot of friends outside my family, so you think you could come by again someday and we could hang out?" Lincoln asked.
"I'll definitely see when I have the free time," said Steven.
"Sweet!" said Lincoln.
The two of them highfived for that.
"Come on, Lion! We're heading home! See you around!" said Steven.
"We hear ya loud and crystal clear, Stevie!" said Luna.
"Nice one!" said Luan.
With that, Steven and Lion headed back to their town.
"What a day this was..." said Lincoln. "Never gonna forget it."

Lori: We...
Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, and Lisa: ...are the Loud...
Lincoln: ...siblings!

Sisters: We always get along
Lincoln: And if you think we can't
Sisters: We'll try to prove you wrong

Lori: That's why the parents of this house gave birth to...Lori
Leni: Leni
Luna: Luna
Luan: Luan
Lynn: Lynn
Lucy: Lucy
Lola: Lola
Lana: Lana
Lisa: Lisa
Lily: Lily
Lincoln: ...and Lincoln!

House shaped iris out

The oven then went off after all of that was said and done.
"And, voila! You got yourself one beautiful casserole ready for many possible meetings with other characters we could see!" said Lincoln.
"I'm starving!" said Lori.
"Yeah, let's eat!" said Luna.
They all sat down and ate the casserole. This caused them to meet other characters they know.
"Looks like the Loud House is now a Full House!" said Luan.
"What did I eat?" Lori wondered.
It was going to be one of those days.

The final art trade and item in the shop is for :iconsb99stuff:, someone I actually have been wanting to an art trade with in a while. And he asked me for a story of a set of crossovers featuring Nickelodeon's very soon to premiere Nicktoon, The Loud House, and other characters that fit the personalities of certain sisters.

-Luan and the Warners from Animanics
-Luna and Laney Penn from Grojband
-Lola and Lana and the Pines Twins from Gravity Falls
-Lisa and Dexter from Dexter's Laboratory
-Lincoln and Steven Universe

It's definitely gonna get louder than ever in here!

All characters belong to their respectful owners.
© 2016 - 2024 DandyAndy1989
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